Call TODAY for your FREE quick chat: 07468 723 817.
Call TODAY for your FREE quick chat: 07468 723 817.
"A controlled environment where everyone had the chance to be heard and everyone was held to account for actions. A very successful process
Very clear, perfectly accurate in summary and strong in holding parties to account"
"Found this process very useful, it has made the whole issue a lot clearer."
"Informative and helpful"
"Deborah put everyone at ease and ensured all sides were listened to"
"Very knowledgeable and approachable".
"A difficult topic but Deborah's input very supportive and comforting. A comfortable venue, excellent mediator, making experience less traumatic than I expected."
"Very positive with this process and handling despite that our differences remain - we have received a fair hearing and a mediator."
"Deborah was professional at all times and gave plenty of time for everyone to have their say"
"The mediator was excellent, clarified the system and mediated effectively between both parties"
"Service is excellent. Mediator stayed impartial and was very clear"
"Very polite, understanding. Excellently managed and a possible tense situation relaxed. Would definitely recommend."
"This was a valuable process for everyone to be able to make their point"